Group 33


Sprinklr’s voice defines the brand’s personality, but how we speak in different situations is guided by our tone — keeping in mind the varying feelings and motivations of our users.

System Principles
Visual Guidelines
Content Guidelines

positive situations

Each time our users experience a sense of accomplishment or fulfilment, we must acknowledge it through our content.

  • Celebrate the action by starting with an interjection
  • Write in second person and mention the reason for success
  • Wherever possible, write about what this success means for the user

Eg. Congratulations! Your Smart Response Model is active. Agents will now see the recommended responses.
The intuition model is successfully active.

negative situations

It is very important that we help our users particularly at times when they’re feeling hassled, lost or anxious.

  • Empathise with our user’s problem and apologise if needed
  • Write in first person and own the error or mistake by stating what went wrong
  • Last, but not the least, do mention the next steps to resolve the issue

Eg. Sorry, we could not update your message properties as your account appears disabled. To know more, view account settings.
Ooops! Message properties could not be updated.

neutral situations

Sometimes, the content within the platform may not address a particular emotion but is needed for informative purposes.

  • Establish context and inform
  • If needed, aid our user via content by providing supporting links and documents

Eg. Due to recent updates to our privacy policy, effective immediately, clicking on the name of users in our platform will not redirect to their profiles. For other related questions, please visit our FAQ page.
Bad: Effective Immediately, we will be disabling redirecting to a profile page upon clicking on the name of a person.

Contact Us

32301E5B-56C7-402E-96B7-C29E0BEE2FFF@1.00xCreated with sketchtool.


32301E5B-56C7-402E-96B7-C29E0BEE2FFF@1.00xCreated with sketchtool.

32301E5B-56C7-402E-96B7-C29E0BEE2FFF@1.00xCreated with sketchtool.